Privacy Policy

Last update: 20 December 2023

Our privacy policy (“Policy”) describes how Cuddle Crew license under Flores & Napstad Co Fze-LLC (“Flores & Napstad Co FZE-LLC” “” or "we" or "us"), with registered office at Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, in its capacity of data controller, processes internet users’ (“User” or “Users”) personal data., owner of this website (“Website”), may be required to collect, store and process Users’ personal data as they make use of the Website. This Policy deals exclusively with the processing of data collected directly from the Website. 

Users’ data may be transferred to, meaning any entity of any form whatsoever in which (registered at the Flores & Napstad Co FZE-LLC, under number 4310340.01).

Keen to ensure the best level of protection for your personal data, Flores & Napstad Co FZE-LLC undertakes to take all measures necessary to process your personal data in accordance with the provisions of U.A.E.

What personal data do we collect and how?
A) is likely to collect and process all or some of the following personal data:

  • Surname;
  • First name(s);
  • Telephone number(s);
  • Email address(es);
  • Billing or delivery address(es);
  • Postal address;
  • Purchasing and ordering information;
  • Information about requests sent using the all kind of forms;
  • Electronic identification data available on or from the User's computer such as "cookies" or "IP" addresses.
  • Pet information to provide better services does not process data on racial or ethnic origins, political or religious opinions, philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic or lifestyle data, or on Users’ sexual orientation.

B) User’ personal data is collected when:

  • User navigates around the Website;
  • When you make or accept a booking;
  • User registers on the Website and gives his/her consent to receive newsletters and commercial communications;
  • User places an order on the Website and proceeds to its payment;
  • User makes contact with us using
    the all kind of form or through email.

Data about children aged under 18
Our services are intended for adult Users and does not wish to collect or process personal data about children under 18 years of age.

If it appears that we have been sent data about a child aged under 18 either online or by telephone, we can only process the request once it has been confirmed by a person holding parental authority.

In any event, parents or persons holding parental authority can block the request made by contacting us at

Our DPO address must be used to request the deletion of data collected about individuals who were minors at the time it was collected.

A) Processing made for the performance of contractual obligations:

Processing of personal data is necessary for the execution of the contract between User and Personal data collected for the purposes of distance selling is required for the confirmation and validation of User's order as well as its tracking and shipping; without it, User's order could not be processed. This data may be transmitted to service providers and/or Flores & Napstad Co FZE LLC for the sole purpose of the proper execution of the order and in particular its payment and delivery.

In summary, the purposes of the processing carried out on the basis of the contract are as follows:

-     Management of commercial relationship with the User (by form, phone or email);
-     Management of User quotes / orders;
-     Management of purchasing and payment operations: Banking transactions are done directly between User and banking provider.
-     Management of billing and delivery operations;
-     After-sales service follow-up, product returns and refunds.

B)  Processing made on the basis of legal obligations: uses User's personal data to meet its legal obligations and/or defend its interests in court, in particular for the purposes of:

-     Proof of transactions or operations;
-     Legal or administrative requirements incumbent on, need of its insurers, or for audit purposes;
-     Management of requests to exercise the rights of data subjects.

C) Processing made with User’s consent:

All processing used to send marketing emails to Users is based on User’s consent. Users consequently agree to processing of their personal data by means of giving an express consent in particular when:

Agreeing to the installation of cookies for audience measurement and improving the User’s experience on the Website;

Agreeing to receive targeted offers by email and newsletters.

D) Processing made on the basis of legitimate interest: has a business interest in processing User's data that is justified, balanced and does not tend to infringe User's privacy. Where processing operations are based on its legitimate interest, User may object to such processing if its interests or fundamental freedoms are found to take precedence over legitimate interests.

Such processing may be carried out from time to time for:

- Fighting against fraud during the payment of the order;
- Managing product reviews to improve our products;
- Statistical analysis for the management and improvement of our services;
- Management of client litigation for the defence of our interests in court.

Information about the use of cookies on our Website

A cookie is a file installed on your device’s hard drive by the Website server. This cookie, or “tracker”, is used to identify the device on which it is stored, during the consent validity period.

A cookie does not hold or record separate data. It can be read by a server using a web browser, and provides information enabling the Website to better adapt to different Users by saving data including User preferences, by detecting errors, and compiling data for statistical purposes. Information collected in this way is mainly used to track the volume, type and configuration of traffic using the Website. uses two types of cookie on the Website:

Cookies that are strictly necessary for the Website to work (functional cookies)

These are cookies essential for moving around our Website that enable User to use the Website’s main functions and keep User’s connection secure.

Some parts of the Website might not work if User does not agree to accept cookies, which is why these cookies are not optional.

Functional cookies make it possible for to

  • implement security measures on the Website
  • improve User navigation
  • adapt the Website to match the display preferences on the User’s device (language used, display resolution, etc.).

If functional cookies aren’t enabled on your device, it may limit your enjoyment of the Website.

  • Analytics cookies

Google Analytics is a service provided by Google that places cookies on your device’s hard drive. These are cookies can use to find out how the Website is used and how it performs, to produce statistics, and determine visitor numbers and the use made of various aspects of the Website. These cookies collect data about User behaviour on the Website by analysing URLs (where visitors come from, what banners they click on, how they were directed to the Website), and also the timing of visits. These cookies in particular enable us to:

  • produce statistics about Website traffic volume (number of visits and unique visitors, pages viewed, etc.) and to compile reports and statistics on the use of various aspects of the traffic (sections and content viewed, navigation paths taken);
  • improve our Website as a consequence;
  • better understand the products and services you prefer, and to offer you more customised communication and/or content on our Website;
  • detect any navigation issues there might be.

Deleting analytics cookies does not prevent navigation on the Website.

For more detailed information about analytics cookies, see lytics/answer/6004245

By using our Website, you agree to the placing of cookies on your device. However, if you do not want to receive an analytic cookie from our Website, you may set your browser to refuse cookies or to notify you when you receive a cookie (to find out how to do this, please consult your browser’s help section).

Who receives Users’ personal data? undertakes not to sell Users’ personal data to partner brands for commercial purposes. Users’ personal data is for the sole use of 

However, to fulfil the aforementioned purposes, does disclose personal data, only to:

  • Cuddlecrew website
    User’s personal data are only available to authorised Cuddlecrew personnel whose duties justify access to such data, for internal audit and administration purposes, but also for ensuring that Users receive the same quality of service regardless of their country.
  • Subcontractors:
    Service providers and subcontractors supplying services following instructions given by Cuddlecrew, in particular in the context of payment, delivery of the order and hosting of the Website. User’s data might be temporarily and securely sent to them, such as: 

- Subcontractors assisting us in providing IT services, to maintain our database, software and related applications, where such services might have access to your data to carry out the tasks requested;
- Companies such as payment service providers;
- Companies such as Shipment or logistic service providers;
- Subcontractors in charge of routing emails containing newsletters and marketing material;
- Subcontractors responsible for hosting the Website.

  • Third parties (outside Cuddlecrew):

- as part of a restructuring, reorganisation or transfer, in any way and in any respect whatsoever (including business disposal, dissolution, winding up, merger, etc.) involving Cuddlecrew entities;

- Tools like Shopify or any application used by

- Social sharing features for all the Social Media channels (e.g., Facebook "Like" button). Your use shares information per your platform settings. Refer to the platform's privacy policy for details.

Other third parties:

  • Cuddlecrew shares User’s personal data with other third parties only if
    (i) Cuddlecrew is obliged to do so by virtue of its legal obligations (e.g. at the request of the competent courts) or
    (ii) if sharing data is lawful under the applicable law.

  • Certain regulated professions such as lawyers, notaries, auditors in the performance of an assignment or directly to legal or governmental authorities pursuant to legal provisions. 

Protection of data transfer

Cuddlecrew stores all personal data on a secure server, through secured third-party hosting service from Shopify and seek to use procedures designed to protect personal data from accidental or unauthorised access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure. Cuddlecrew will seek to ensure that User’s personal information is kept confidential and secure in accordance with this Policy, and that the appropriate technical and organisational measures to prevent unlawful or accidental destruction, accidental loss, unauthorised disclosure or access or other unlawful forms of processing are implemented. 

User personal data retention period

Cuddlecrew keep User’s personal data for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which data has been collected and to comply with applicable law and regulations.

Time for which we will keep User data will depend on the purposes for which we process them, as explained below:

A)   Processing made on the basis of the performance of Cuddlecrew contractual obligations:

We will process User’s data for the time necessary to manage the purchase of the products that User buy, including potential returns, complaints or claims related to the purchase of the product or service in question.

B)   Processing made on the basis of Cuddlecrew legal obligations:

We will keep User’s data duly stored and protected for the time during which liability may arise for their processing, in compliance with legislation in force from time to time. Once each of the potential actions is time-barred we will proceed to delete the personal data.

We will also keep User’s data for the time requested by legal or administrative requirements incumbent on Cuddlecrew, as well as for any need of Cuddlecrew insurers, or for audit purposes.

C)   Processing made with User’s consent :

We will process User’s data until User withdraw his consent, unsubscribe or cancel his subscription to the newsletter.

Users may exercise the above rights at any time by sending a request to Data Protection Officer by email at

This Policy may be amended from time to time including to reflect any changes in how (registered at the Flores & Napstad Co FZE-LLC) processes and collects Users’ data on the Website. Users can keep abreast of updates to the Policy by reading it on the Website (the first page shows the date of the most recent update).

Contact Us If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at