Meet & Greet

A “Meet & Greet” is a meeting of a Pet Sitter and a Pet Owner before a pet sitting starts.  It is a nice way to meet and speak with the Pet Sitter because this meeting gives a chance to assure the Pet Owner will not encounter any surprise.

With this “Meet and Greet”, a Pet Sitter will be able to collect detailed information about the pets and the Pet Owners.  The Pet Sitter will have a chance to know the pet information such as allergies, fears, feeding times and favourite toys.  Plus, know about your pet’s personality and cover important care details.  This ensures everyone’s on the same page before the actual pet sitting.

Key Points to Cover

1.    Discuss Your Pet’s Personality

·      Share quirks, likes, and dislikes upfront
·      Mention favourite toys and games
·      Talk about any anxiety or worries when left alone
·      Note if your pet is protective of toys or food
·      Share any tendencies like escaping when doors are open or stealing food

2.    Behaviour with Others

·      Does your pet house trained?
·      Any occasional accidents, especially when excited or nervous?
·      Does your pet act differently in new spaces or with new people?
·      Are they sociable with other pets?

3.    Care Instructions

·      Discuss your pet’s needs during the booking
·      Confirm that care instructions are filled out from the “Booking Form”

4.   Routine

·      When does your pet usually eat?
·      What’s the schedule for potty breaks or litter box cleaning?
·      Does your pet get regular walks or playtime?
·      Are treats part of their routine?

5.    Medications and Allergies

·      If your pet takes medications, specify the type and administration times
·      Any known allergies?

6.   Health History

·      Are there any health issues to be aware of?
·      Is the vet information on the “Pet Sitter Notes” sent updated?

7.    Food and Drinking Water

·      Mention specific food and drinking water to give
·      Foods not to give to your pets
·      Types of treats to give and how often
·      Where the pet foods, treats, drinking water are

This way, everyone involved can ensure a smooth and happy experience for your pet during the pet sitting service(s).

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